My FileMaker Cornucopia
It was the monthly meeting of the Dallas FileMaker Pro User Group (FMPUG), happening at Harmonic Data’s NEW OFFICE IN TOLLWAY PLAZA! We heard Harmonic’s own Low Code Expert Heather McCue sharing her rich experience with the Claris FileMaker Pro platform.
The seasonally appropriate and symbolic cornucopia (cor·nu·co·pi·a) — a word derived from the Latin cornu copiae ‘horn of plenty’ — is defined as “an abundant supply of good things of a specified kind.” For this meeting of the Dallas FMPug, those good things included a plentiful list of FileMaker tools and techniques that I use on a regular basis to improve my own experience and efficiencies as an architect and developer of complex systems, while I seek to expand on the functionality being delivered, enhance performance, and encourage consistency.